It’s Hip to be Granny Square - September Workshop

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 § 0

Our hotly anticipated September workshop was an absolute blast - with everyone learning the new skill of crocheting a granny square.

The room was beautifully set up by our very own Lauren and Stephanie with instruction booklets, wool and crochet hooks. Each beginner got a starter square to practice their first stitches. There were also magazines to take away which were donated by the lovely Susan.

Lauren and Stephanie expertly guided the beginners through their first stitches

There was lots of chatter and a bit of wine thrown in for good measure. Once everyone had got the hang of the basic stitch and the pattern that made the square, we were then shown how to start the square itself. 

Interestingly the square starts with a circle! A slip knot is formed and then slip stitches for the base of the square.

Lauren demonstrated to us all that beautiful and elaborate patterns can be worked up using just a simple 'single crochet'.

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