Crazy for (U)kulele - August Workshop

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 § 0

For our August workshop, 18 bopping bunnies and rocking roses, along with a couple of guests, joined together for a beginners ukulele class led by the fabulous tutor and performer Jessica Bowie. 

Jessica came equipped with a variety of ukuleles for the group to use, and started by telling us all about the four most common sizes of instruments and how to number our fingers, strings and frets. 

Playing in two teams to start with and then as a whole ensemble, Jessica's enthusiasm had us al, strumming away and singing along to (all together now!): Achy Breaky Heart, On the Bayoux (me oh my oh), Alice the Camel (favourite of Brownie packs the world over), La Cucaracha (for some very enthusiastic strumming!), and a magic chord medley.

It was a fantastic class where we all had a great time. Jessica's knowledge and experience of the ukulele, and how she got into teaching and performing was great to hear. Jessica teaches classes in Bramley Lawn and full details can be found at her website:

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