June meeting - Pics Don't Lie

Monday, 2 July 2012 § 0

Our June meeting was Pics Don't Lie, an evening of photography hints and tips.
Before we get started with whatever activity or presentation we have that evening we always have to go through the business. This includes updates on what we are planning, news from the West Yorkshire Federation and National Federation, information from our sub-committees and anything else of interest.
In June we had two particularly exciting things to announce.
Firstly, the winners of our photo competitions during our day trip to Scarborough.
Buns & Roses: Jenny
 Local faces: Jenny
 Picture Postcard: Tracey and Kat
 Secret Scarborough: Siobhan
Tacky Tourism: Georgiana
Overall winner: Siobhan
We also drew the winner for our Denman Bursary, which gave one lucky Member vouchers towards a course at the College.
And the winner was Alex Spence. Well done Alex, we can't wait to hear all about your visit.
Then it was on to our speakers for the evening - Nicola and Ian from Leeds Photographic Society.
They gave an excellent presentation and shared lots of hints and tips to help us make the most of our cameras, whether we use a DSLR or just snap away on our smartphones.
(Despite the excellent advice from Nicola and Ian we still had problems getting a decent shot of them "in action" with the lights turned down!)
You can visit the Leeds Photographic Society website for more info on the group. They have regular meetings and outings so you can learn from fellow photographers and put your skills to the test.
Big thanks to Nicola and Ian for an excellent evening full of inspiration.

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