We’re Jammin - October Workshop

Wednesday, 28 June 2017 § 0

For this workshop we went to The Armley Junk-tion Cafe. As well as using their cooking facilities, we were also able to use up some of the surplus ingredients - which The Real Junk Food Project rescues and re-uses rather than ending up in landfill.

The lovely Teresa set up all of the ingredients for us and helped set up cooking stations for all those enrolled on the workshop.

Teresa from the Armley Junk-tion Cafe

Sue Bond was the tutor for the workshop and she came armed with a number of recipes to make the most of the surplus fruit. There were some wild and wacky combinations including a fruity melon number and even a caramelized banana jam!

Surplus food at the cafe - all of which has been diverted from landfill.

After donning our aprons Sue explained the basics of jam making and we chose our ingredients and set to work.

Firstly we popped our jars in the oven to sterilize, after which we set about weighing and measuring all of our ingredients. After a few minutes of boiling, the first jam was ready for potting up!

It was such a fun evening and everyone went home with at least one pot of jam which they were really happy with.

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