August Meeting - 21st Century Girl

Monday, 31 August 2015 § 0

Suffolk puffs and Sunshine at our 100th Birthday Bash

Well my lovely Roses and Brilliant Bunnies, this month’s meeting was another jam-packed evening of craft, cake and conversation with our awesome members and friends coming together in ever growing numbers to celebrate 100 years of the WI and rise to the 100 Suffolk Puff Challenge.

After our regular branch update from the ladies of the committee and our president the table to table effort was high as we worked away over party food and new friends with old together, to making dainty little puffs of pastel joy to adorn our WI branch banner in commemoration of this momentous occasion with pink and green being the colors of the day.

Never to be phased by a challenge, and perhaps in the ever continuing nature of the WI movement we actually came out with 101 of our little puff-puppys and you can see them all here! Well done Ladies!

Our next meeting will be September 17th with a talk on Food Waste from Leeds Real Junk Food Project.

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