July Meeting - Mysterious Girl

Friday, 31 July 2015 § 0

The July meeting was really popular and saw lots of new faces and four new members! Welcome Ladies we’re all so glad you have decided to join us! This meeting was ‘Mysterious Girl’ and it was truly inspirational. The session was led by the fabulous Tilla Brook and it was a moving and inspiring meeting.               
The meeting was kicked off by our wonderful President Lucy, the finance update was skilfully delivered by our glamourous Treasurer Grace-Ann and Secretary Amanda told us all about the exciting activities offered in this month’s WYN leaflet - which will soon be available to members online.   Amanda read out a lovely email from former member Paulette Clements who has relocated to Cheshire with her husband’s job. Thanking us for the friendliness, acceptance and the laughs.
Sam told us about the next workshop ‘You’re Sew Vain’ in which you will learn how to sew a zip into a purse. You can buy your ticket here
Shameless plugs came from Mencap via email where they told us that they hold a number of community and challenge fundraising events over the year – including Trek Ben Nevis 14th -16th Aug, Great Yorkshire Run 27th Sept. More info via www.leedsmencap.org.uk  - if you want to volunteer, take part or donate. Girl guiding District Commissioner Claire put a shout out for all helper/leaders, go to www.girlguiding.org.uk to find out more.
Tilla introduced the session by telling us a bit about her own recovery from derailment. Three ladies very generously shared their stories; each followed by some questions from Tilla which highlighted their strength and courage; and what they have learnt about themselves and others.
Tilla then shared her excellent 6-point strategy to being stronger (Including some POWER POSES - see below!) and more able to handle that life-changing event. Some hand-outs elaborating on this and on building self-esteem were available. Next Tilla told us that she will generously give our attendees a ‘Know your values’ session at a reduced price of £50 for 1.5 hours. If anyone would like to take advantage of this amazing offer, please see the website for details or email: tilla@tillabrookcoaching.com
Next it was the competition time and names went into a box for selection to win a copy of Tilla’s ‘The Magnificent Castle – How to become who you are’ - Julia Bilby was the lucky winner and took the opportunity to introduce herself to everyone as this was her first meeting. 
Phew with all of that going on we can’t wait to see you at the next meeting on 20 August - 21st Century Girl - A meeting to celebrate 100 years of the WI in their centenary year. Will include a craft challenge – 100 Suffolk Puffs which we think should be achievable in the time. There will be a quiz and attendees were asked to being some food items to share. Cake cake cake!

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