March meeting - There's No Business Like Grow Business

Wednesday, 27 March 2013 § 0

Our March meeting was There’s No Business Like Grow Business and we were joined by Mary of Incredible Edible Todmorden.

Mary came along to tell us all about this amazing organisation which grows and campaigns for local food. From herb gardens in schools to vegetable plots outside police stations, Incredible Edible is involved in all sorts of projects that highlight locally grown produce.

Incredible Edible is now an international campaign and more and more communities are getting on board.

Mary was a wonderful speaker and told us with enthusiasm, humour and good nature about all the things the organisation has been involved in. She even had an anecdote about Prince Charles agreeing to leave his land to them!
At the end our Jen gave us all some seeds so we can grow some of our own veg and herbs. Now we just have to hope for some sunshine!

Unfortunately we were so enthralled with Mary's inspiring talk that we forgot to take photos of her! We did get some of our Roses though.

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