WYFWI Table Top Sale

Wednesday, 14 December 2011 § 0

As part of the West Yorkshire Federation of Women's Institutes we do our bit to raise money for them, as well as for our own group.

A recent event was a Table Top Sale in Rodley, just near the WYFWI offices.

Buns & Roses had a table to sell our members' handmade wares and Gemma was also promoting the WI's own Denman College in Oxfordshire.

 One of our younger Members Natalie was selling some of her unwanted items - check out all those cuddly toys looking for new homes!
And this is Janet, one of our newest Members, who makes totally yummy biscuits and preserves.

We've one more craft fair for the year (see www.bunsandroses.co.uk for details) then we'll be looking forward to events in 2012.

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