Motorlead - Illustration workshop, May

Friday, 13 May 2011 § 0

Our May workshop was Motorlead - illustration with Steve Beaumont.

Steve is a top bloke and a very talented illustrator. He very casually dropped in a chance meeting with The Stranglers, which led to various album artwork pieces, and told us all about his career to-date, which has included projects such as storyboards for video games and cartoons of Alice Cooper for a TV programme.

It was very inspiring to hear how he re-discovered his talent for drawing after being discouraged from following his dream in school, and that he is now a successful self-employed illustrator and very happy in his career.

Here is Steve explaining how to draw a face and get the proportions right.

Some of our Roses hard at work.

Our figures were developed out of basic lines and shapes.

This is Steve's drawing, which we were aiming to recreate in our own ways.

Check out the talent we have at Buns & Roses!

It was a very enjoyable evening and although we were all following the same design and steps, everyone's ladies turned out differently, which just shows how creative we all are, even if we said at the beginning we were rubbish at drawing!

You can find out more about Steve on his websites: Storyboarder and Flame Boy

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